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The project was carried out at the Ateliê Litoral Norte Workshop promoted by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. AULINOR is a region formed by 20 municipalities (from Balneário Pinhal to Torres). It is bounded to the west by the Serra Geral and to the east by the Atlantic Ocean. AULINOR has a unique environmental configuration in the world, with a network of lagoons, dunes, and the Mata Atlântica  woodland vegetation creating a very rich and fragile ecosystem.AULINOR's fixed population is approximately 250,000 inhabitants, reaching 1 million during the summer season.

The seasonal occupation of the territory compromises the fragile environmental balance and originates the challenge and theme of this workshop: is it possible to occupy the region in a sustainable and resilient way? AULINOR presents a series of challenges to its sustainability and resilience, for which solutions were explored in the course of the workshop. The development of the work was guided by four main thematic axes: mobility, energy, land use, and transition between ecosystems.

March | 2016

Porto Alegre, RS - Brazil

Carol Vasques (BRA) | Marta Grasso (ITA) | Giulia Bianchi (ITA) | Maria Vittoria Deli Carri (ITA) | Sansone Emanuéle Segré (ITA) | Renata Saffer (BRA) | Victoria Klein (BRA) | Rafael Puig (BRA) | Mônia Deboni (BRA) | Maria Agostina Roldán (ARG) | Carla Beretta (ARG)

Carol Vasques

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