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An ancient path. A line that infiltrates a city that no longer remembers. A trace lost between streets, between trees, between walkways, between looks that no longer see it. A small green belt that, when it comes to the surface, allows the richness and abundance of an unlimited nature to flourish in its industrial past. A living space that stands as the ideal setting for new relationships between man and the world around him.

The “Petite Ceinture”, an old deactivated railway line in the city of Paris, becomes the ideal space for the staging and conservation of our cultural memory. Its visible stretch from the Buttes Chaumont park, is no longer just a trace and becomes a stage and tool for the maintenance of local cultural life by transforming itself into a railway theater.

July | 2022
Porto Academy Visiting Versailles, ENSA Versailles - France

Studio Carla Juaçaba 
Project - The Hidden Line 
Carol Vasques

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